Wednesday, October 8, 2008


कब्ररुस्तान की दीवार से लगी हुई झोपडी की चोखट पे बेठी सकीना बेचेनी से अपना फटा हूआ दुपट्टा दातो से चबा रही थी , फिक्र वही रोज वाली ‘आज भी कोई मरा या नही, गुलाम आज भी कुछ कमा के लायेगा या नही’.  
 2 दिन बचे हे ईद मे ओर कही आज रात ही चांद दिख गया तो फिर कल ही हो जाएगी ईद.  

सकीना लग भग 23-24-साल की ओरत सावला रंग बदन पे गेह्ररे पीले रंग का मेला सलवार कुर्ता आठ बरस हो गये थे उसकी शादी को इन आठ सालो मे गुलाम ने सिर्फ 2 जोड कपडे ही दिलाए थे.बाकी अब्बा ने दहेज़ मे जो कपडे दिये थे उन से ही काम चला इतने बरस. आखिर क्यु न देते कानपुर शहर के खानदानी कब्रखोदु जो थे, कब्रखोदु खानदान की वजह से ही तो ग़ुलाम को उन्होने पसन्द किया था वरना था ही क्या गुलाम के पास, वेसे दिल का बहुत नेक बन्दा है गुलाम 30-32 साल का छोटा कद गथीला बदन रंग् ऐसा के अमावस की रात भी शरमा जाये मिरज़ापुर कसबे के कब्रुस्तान मे बाप दादा के वक़्त से कब्रे खोदते आ रहे है .वेसे उसका ऐक छोटा भाई भी है लल्लन लेकिन वो नालायक अपने पुरखो का काम छोड के कानपुर शहर के बाहर पंचर की दुकान खोल के बेठा है .

पेहले तो गुलाम की कमाई मे उसका ओर सकीना का पुरा हो जाता था लेकिन दो से तीन हुए परवीन पेदा हुई फिर तीन से चार मजीद हुआ चार से पांच  नसीम हुआ ओर बची कुची कसर देड साल पहले छुटटन ने पूरी कर दी , आखिर पुरा हो तो कहा से हो कमाने वाला ऐक ओर खाने वाले 6 . ओर फिर आज कल जेसे लोगों के घरो मे मैयत होना ही बन्द हो गया हो वरना ऐक वक़्त था हफते मे एक अदद मैयत आ ही जाती थी ओर फिर जब बिमारियो का आना होता तो हफ्ते मे 5-6 मैयत आम बात थी , वो भी क्या दिन थे बाजार से तदुरी मुर्गा ओर मोगरे का गजरा कितने प्यार से लाता था गुलाम, हाये अब तो बस यादे ही रह गई हे , नास मिटे इन डाक्टरो का पता नही कोन सी दवाई पिला देते हे , इन की वजह से लोगो का मरना कम हो गया हे.
ऐक तो मनहुसो ने हर गली नुक्कड पे दुकाने खोल ली हे , मरीज़ कम डाकटर ज़्यादा ओर बाकी जो मर रहे हे उनके पास कुछ देने को न होता, चंदा करके तो कफन का इनतेज़ाम होता हे.

.4 मुठ्ठी चावल जो बचे थे वो भी कल रात खतम हो गये, 2 दिन से बच्चो को आधा पेट खिला रही हे  यह बोल के, के कल ज़यादा मिलेग आज सुबह भी बहाना बना दिया के आज के दिन घर मे चूलह नही जलता, परवीन सयानी हो गैइ हे सब समझ्ती हे लेकिन बाकी को समझाना बड़ा मुशकिल होता हे कई बार तो पिटाई लगा के सुलाना पड़ता हे , बुरा तो बहुत लगता हे पर क्या करे.

गुलाम बेचारा तो सुबह से ही कब्रुस्तान के दरवाजे पे बेठ जाता हे ओर शाम को मायुस हो के लोट आता हे, कल रात तो उसने कुछ भी नही खाया पानी से रोज़ा खोल के ही सो गया बोला मेरे हिस्से का भी बच्चो को दे दे , अब उसे क्या मलूम के कितना था सकीना ने भी कहा खया था.
वेसे कब्रखोदु होना भी किसी बददुआ से कम न था अगर वो कोइ दुसरा काम करना भी चाहे तो भी कोइ नही देगा आखिर कब्र जो खोदता हे. गुलाम ने भी कई बार कोशिश की के कोइ कम से कम मज़दुरी का काम ही देदे लेकिन हर बार उसे शरमिंदा होके मयूस लोटना पडा . 

इधर बच्चो ने उसका जीना हराम कर दिया था रोज़ ऐक ही सवाल अब्बा ईद के कपड़े कब दिलाओ गे , बच्चे तो बच्चे हे उन्हे कोन सम्झाए के अभी तो खाने के लाले पडे हे कपड़े कहा से आयेंगे .
पिछ्ले बरस तो रमज़ान से पेहले ही 3 कब्रे खुद गई थी तो रमज़ान ओर ईद दोनो मज़े से गुज़रे थे. 

इस बरस न जाने क्या मनहुसियत लगी हुइ हे , पिछ्ले 2 महीने से तो मिरज़ापुर मे इंसान तो क्या चिडिया का बच्चा भी न मरा था. 

लोग मरते रहे कब्रे खुदती रहे तो कब्रुस्तान मे चेहल पेहल बनी रेह्ती हे वरना तो सन्नाटे ही सन्नाटे , जो हाल कब्रुस्तान का था वो ही हाल शमशान का थ धुआ उठे कितने दिन हो गये थे.आज गुलाम को लग रहा था के शायद लल्लन ने ठीक ही किया जो धन्दा बदल लिया कम से कम किसी के मरने का तो इनतेज़ार नही करता होगा .लेकिन फिर आखरी वक़्त की अब्बा की नसीह्त याद आ जाती हे के जो भी हालत हो अपना धन्धा मत छोड्ना.

 शाम होने को थी रोज़ा खोलने का वक़्त भी होने लगा था, आज तो घर मे कुछ भी न था रोज़ा खोलने के लिये , गुलाम को अपने रोज़ा खोलने से ज़यादा बच्चो ओर सकीना के खाने की फिक्र हो रही थी आखिर सकीना का भी तो रोज़ा था 

बेचेन हो के गुलाम टेहल्ने लगा ओर कब्रुस्तान के गेट के बाहर आ गया , कब्रुस्तान को आने वालि कच्ची सडक सुनी पडी हुई थी दूर से साईकल पे कोइ आता हुआ दिखा, करीब आया तो पता चला गफूर भाई का नोकर शब्बन हे, क्या हाल हे गुलाम ‘ केहते हुए शब्बन ने साईकल रोकी बस शब्बन मिया अल्लाह का करम हे, यहा केसे आना हुआ आज. ‘अरे अपने गफूर भाई माशाअल्लाह पुरे 75 के हो चले हे से इसी खुशी मे आज सारे  मिरज़ापुर मे इफ़तारी बटवा रहे हे, कुछ हिस्से बच गये थे सोचा तुम्हे भी देता चलु ‘ केह्ते हुए शब्बन ने बडे झोले मे से ऐक पिलासटिक की थेली निकाल के गुलाम को दे दी. थेली पकडते ही गुलाम के दिल को थोडा सुकून मिला वज़न से लग रहा था के आज के खाने का इंतेज़ाम हो गया. अरे गफूर भाई 75 के हो गये लेकिन लगते अभी भी जवान हे, अपने मालिक की तारीफ सुन के शब्बन का सीना चोडा हो गया’अरे क्यु न हो मियाँ बच्पन से आज तक अनाज से ज़्यादा मेवे जो खाये है तीसरी शादी की तय्यारी मे लगे हे आज कल , ईद के बाद इरादा हे , अच्छा अब चलु बहुत काम पडा हे ‘ केह्ते हुए शब्बन ने साईकल मोड ली, गुलाम ने भी अपनी झोपडी की तरफ रुख किया

झोपडी के किनारे बच्चे खेल रहे थे , गुलाम पे नज़र पड्ते ही ओर उसके हाथ मे थेली देखके बच्चे खुशी से चिल्लाने लगे’अब्बा खाना लाये , अब्बा खाना लाये ‘ 
बच्चो का शोर सुनके सकीना ने भी नज़र उठाई गुलाम पे नज़र पड्ते ही जान मे जान आई , लेकिन आज कोई कब्र तो खुदी नही फिर गुलाम क्या ला रहा हे ? .अभी गुलाम रास्ते मे ही था के बच्चे दोड लगा के उस्से झूम गये परवीन भी चुट्टन को गोद मे लेके पहुच गई , ‘अब्बा क्या खाना लाये हो ? नसीम ने थेली मे झाकते हुए पूछा 
हा बेटा चलो अन्दर चलो, 
सकीना को थेली देते हुए गुलाम ने गफूर भाई की शानो शोकत का वाक्या सुनाया सकीना ने उसकी बातो पे कम धयान देते हुए थेली को थाल मे उनडेला थेली के समान से गफूर भाई की अमीरी का अन्दाज़ा लगाया जा सकता था.
कई तरह के फल , खजूरे , नमकीन , पकोडे , पपड , समोसे येह सब देख के सकीना को सुकून मिला लेकिन सुकून थोडे वक़्त क ही था ‘ इन सब चीज़ो से आज का काम तो चल जयेगा लेकिन कल ‘ सोचते हुए सकीना ने थाल उठा के बीच मे रखा , गुलाम भी वज़ू कर के आ चुका था. ‘ सब लोग  थाल के आस पास बेठ गये, बच्चो से सब्र नही हो रहा था छुट्टन तो परवीन की गोद मे मच्चल्ने लगा , गुलाम ने ऐक अंगूर उठाके उस के मुह मे रख दिया . ‘ अब्बा वो लाल गेद जेसा क्या हे’ मजीद ने थाल मे घूरते हुए पूछा’ 
'सेब केह्ते हे इसे ‘ सकीना ने जवाब दिया.
तशले मे रखी कुछ चीज़े तो बच्चो ने पेहली बार ही देखी थी . जेसे सेब, अंगूर , अनार 

सब को बस गोला फूटने का इनतेज़ार था , नसीम बार बार एक ही बात पूछ रहा था ‘अब्बा नये कपडे लेने कब चलोगे ‘ , गुलाम ने इस बार उसे एसे घूरा के वो सहम के खामोश हो गया . थोडी देर मे गोला फूटा सब ने दुआ मांग के खाना शुरु किया गुलाम ने बस 4-5 खजूरे खाके पानी पी लिया सकीना ने कुछ ओर देना चाहा लेकिन गुलाम ने बच्चो की तरफ बडा दिया, ओर खुद नमाज़ पड्ने लगा. थोडी देर बाद सकीना भी उठ गई अब तशले पे परवीन का हुक्म था , नमाज़ पड्ने के बाद गुलाम झोपडी के बाहर आके बीडी पिने लगा सकीना भी उसके पास आके बेठ गई ओर गुलाम की माचिस से लालटेन जलाने लगी की तभी अनदर मजीद ओर नसीम झगडने लगे खाने को लेके छुट्टन भी रोने लगा बस फिर क्या था अपनी गरीबी का सारा गुस्सा गुलाम ने बच्चो पे उतार दिया शुरु से ले कर आखिर तक सब के 1-2 हाथ पडे , सकीना बहर ही बेठी रही सारे बच्चे रोते हुए उसके पास पहुच गये , गुलाम अन्दर ही लेट गया . 
 सकीना सबको दुलारने लगी

थोडी देर बाद कसबे से गोले छुट्ने की आवाज़े आने लगी सकीना समझ गई के ईद का चाँद दिख गया उसने आसमान की तरफ देखा , बहुत महीन सा चाँद ईद की खुशीया लिये दूर आसमान मे दिख रहा था लेकिन गुलाम ओर सकीना के लिये मयुसी से ज़यादा ओर कुछ न था. ‘ अम्मी अब्बा को पेसे नही मिले इसलिये गुस्सा हे ना’ परवीन ने मासुमियत से पुछा 
हा बेटा उनकी कमाई नही हुइ इसलिये मजीद बोला’ अम्मी अब्बा की कमाई क्यु नही हुई ‘ 
बेटा  कई दिन से कोई मरा ही नही हे , तुमहारे अब्बा को कब्र खोदने का काम नही मिला हे इसलिये उनकी कमाई नही हुई।

‘ तो अम्मा इस बार ईद पे हमे नये कपडे भी नही मिलेगे ‘ नसीम ने पूछा।
बेटा जब तक कोई मरेगा नही हमारे पास पेसे नही आयेंगे ओर जब पेसे नही होंगे तो ईद के कपडे भी नही आयेंगे एसे सवालो के जवाब देना सकीना को भी अजीब लग रहा था’ चलो अब तुम लोग चुप चाप बहर ही खेलो अब्बा अन्दर आराम कर रहे हे शोर मत करन मुझे भी नमाज़ पडनी हे ‘ कहते हुए लालटेन लेके सकीना भी अन्दर जाने लगी के नसीम ने उसका कुर्ता पकड के बोला ‘ अम्मी नमज़ मे आप अल्लह से केहना के जल्दी से किसी को मार दो ताकी अब्बा को पेसे मिले ओर वो हमे नये कपडे दिलवाये ‘ 
सकीना को समझ न आया के क्या कहे।
अन्दर गुलाम करवट लिये लेटा था ‘ सुनते हो ईद का चान्द दिख गया’ सकीना ने धीमी आवाज़ मे कहा पर गुलाम ने कोइ जवाब नही दिया लालटेन की धीमी रोशनी मे सकीना ने गुलाम के आंखो मे आंसु चमकते हुए देखा तो उसके करीब बेठ के प्यार से बोली ‘ परेशान न हो आप अल्लह ने चाहा तो अगली ईद हमारी भी अच्छे से गुज़रेगी ‘ ‘ केह के नमाज़ के लिये खडी हो गई।

नमाज़ खतम करके सकीना बिसतर लगा रही थी गुलाम की आंख लग चुकी थी बच्चे ने भी अन्दर आना शुरु कर दिया था के तभी झोपडी के बहर 2 लोग सईकल पे आये ‘अरे गुलाम कहा हो ’ , सकीना ने गुलाम को जगाया ‘ सुनो कोइ आपको बुलाने आया हे ‘ 
गुलाम ने बाहर आके देखा तो गफूर भाई का नोकर शबब्न एक ओर आदमी के साथ था ‘ अरे शब्बन भाई क्या हुआ सब खेरियत तो है ‘ गुलाम ने पुछा 

खेरियत नही हे मिया थोडी देर पेहले गफूर भाई का इंतेकाल हो गया जल्दी चलो उनके लिये कब्र खोदनी हे ‘ रोते हुए शब्बन ने कहा’ 
अरे लेकिन आखिर् हुआ क्या शाम तक तो तुमने कहा था तनदुरुस्त थे’ ?
अरे मत पूछो मिंया बड़ा बुरा वक़्त आ गया हे सुना हे पिछ्ले हफते जिस लडकी को देख के आये थे ,शादी के लिये शगुन मे लाख रुपे का हीरे का हार भी दे आये थे , आज खबर आइ के वो किसी ओर के साथ भाग गई बस अपने गफूर भाई बेचारे सदमा बरदाश्त न कर सके, चलो मिंया जल्दी करो बहुत काम बाकी हे ’ गुलाम ने अपना फावडा ओर तगडी उठाई ओर उनके साथ चल दिया .
गुलाम के जाते ही झोपडे मे फिर से बच्चो का शोर शुरु हो गया ’गफूर भाई मर गये नये कपडे आयेंगे , गफूर भाई मर गये नये कपडे आयेंगे, गफूर भाई मर गये नये कपडे आयेंगे ! 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

GUJARAT POLICE : Prompt on blast, Tardy on riots

I really appreciate Gujarat police for the promptness to crack down of Ahmedabad and Surat serial blast case. It shows that Gujarat police is the best police force of our country.
They claimed to have 100% cracked the Ahmedabad serial blast case by arresting 10 members of the banned organization SIMI. With these arrests, the state police have held them responsible for carrying out the recent serial bomb blasts in Ahmedabad, Bangalore and other cities in the country. Where they got the explosives, who manufactured the bombs and who planted them in Ahmedabad and Surat, These persons are SIMI activist and were active in different part of our country under a new Banner IM Indian Mujahideen, they also claimed that Abu Bashar was the Master mind behind all these serial blast.

This kind of promptness is very necessary specially when the matters relate to our national security and I think others state police should also learn the case solving tactics from Gujarat police.

But one thing which I could not be understand yet that this is the same Gujarat police that was unable to gather evidence against the accused of post Godhra Riots of year 2002 till now.
Two hundred and eighty accused are still at large, In 39 cases; investigations are yet to be completed. As a result, there are more cases are 'on hold' or 'pending investigation' than the 508 cases that await trial
Even sting operations of a TV news channel shown some of the culprit who raped and ripped open a pregnant woman's stomach are roaming free.
And not a single person from authorities are ready to see the plight of 100s of those families most of them are children and women who are still living in relief camps with pathetic conditions because they are not safe to there places and Police are unable to protect them.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

अब किसी को किसी पर भरोसा नहीं........

ऐक गुलशन मे खिलते थे जो चार गुल 
रंग  जिंनके जुदा ओर जुदा जिनकी बु 
फिर भी मेह्काते गुलशन को मिलके वो यु
जेसे इक पेड के हि थे चारो वो गुल

फिर ये क्या हो गया कुछ समझ ना सके
अब किसी को किसी पर भरोसा नही....

रोज़ सुबह मिल जुल कर चारो गीत सुहाने गाते थे
ऐक अगर मुरझाता था बाकी भी मुरझा जाते थे
शबनम की बुन्दो को भी चारो मिलकर बांटा करते थे
तेज़ धूप मे इक दूजे पर मिलकर छाया करते थे

फिर ये क्या हो गया कुछ समझ ना सके
अब किसी को किसी पर भरोसा नही..........

किसी शरारती की हरकत से
ऐक कोई कट जाता था
रंग बदल जाते बाकी के
आंखौ मे आंसु आता था
कटी हुई डाली को बाकी 
मिलके यु सेहलाते थे
बच्चे अपनी मा को जेसे
बांतो से बेहलाते है

फिर ये क्या हो गया कुछ समझ न सके
अब किसी को किसी पर भरोसा नही.......

आज गुलशन को फिर गुलशन बनाना हे 
चडी हुइ गुबार को उसके उपर से हटाना हे
फिर से मिल जुल कर उनको गीत सुहाना गानाहे
बुलबुल मेना तितलियो को वापस फिर बुलना ह
कोइ नहीं आयेगा आगे फुलो को ही आना है
अपने प्यरे गुलशन को  मिलके फिर सजाना हे

जो ये ना सामझ सके अब भी तो.........

फिर ये क्या हो गया कुछ समाझ न सके
अब किसी को किसी पर भरोसा नहीं........

Friday, August 22, 2008

KRISHNA : The ultimate savior and Protector of Mankind

The festival Janmashtami celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna (the eighth and most important incarnation of God Vishnu) he took birth to save humanity from the cruelty of evil king of Mathura "Kansa' to destroy him'. The complete episode of Krishna 's birth is a divine miracle. It taught us that 'When God wants to save someone no one can prevent Him'. Krishna is the divine energy that pulls everything to it, He is the ultimate savior and protector of mankind.
The festival of Sri Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated with devotion and enthusiasm. So many rituals and customs are followed on this day, some are common and some are very unique to a particular region. Janmashtami of Mathura and Vrindavan, the places where Lord Krishna had spent his childhood, are famous all over the world. Devotees from across the world come to these pious places to celebrate the festival. They offer special pooja and aarti to get the blessings of God. A huge congregation at Vrindavan, Mathura , Dwarka Krishna temples plunges the places into religious frenzy. People observe fast till midnight when the Lord was born.
Janmashtami is therefore actually celebrated twice, the occasions coinciding with Krishna 's birth in captivity in Mathura and the discovery of the newborn Krishna in Nand and Yashoda's house at Gokul.
Lord Krishna spent his childhood with cowherd boys of gokul and Gopis. In the Vrindavan forests Krishna used to play the flute and the Gopis danced with him in elation. This shows the unconditional love between the individual and the divine.
Following of the essence of Geeta (Geeta saar) by load Krishna:
Why do you worry in vain?
Of whom are you afraid?
Who can kill you?
Soul never takes birth, never dies.
You are that soul, you are immortal.
Whatever happened was good.
Whatever is happening is good.
Whatever shall happen will be good.
Don't lament the past.
Don't worry about future.
Present is here, take care of it.
What is lost for which you cry?
What you brought with you in this world which is lost?
What is your creation, which is destroyed?
You did not bring anything with you.
Whatever you received was here.
Whatever you give was here.
You received all from God.
You give all to God.
Your hands were empty at birth.
They shall be empty at death.
What is yours today belonged to somebody else yesterday.
What is yours today shall belong to somebody else tomorrow.
You attach yourself unnecessarily which is source of sorrows.
Change is law of nature.
What you consider is death, is life.
In one moment you become owner of millions.
Next moment you become a pauper.
Wash away the feelings of mine-thine, high-low from you mind Remove them from your thoughts Then all will belong to you and You will belong to all.
This body is not yours.
You are not this body.
This body is made of five elements Space, air, fire, water and earth.
One day it shall merge in five elements.
Soul is eternal.
You are that soul.
Submit yourself to God This is the best shelter.
One who knows this shelter never knows fear, worry or sorrow.
Whatever you do, do it as a dedication to God. This will bring you the tremendous experience of joy and life-freedom forever.

Today we remember Lord Krishna but we forget what he taught us, if we apply this essence in our daily lives I am sure it can change our lives as well as the world too with full of happiness.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

HABIB TANVEER: The living legend of Indian Theater.

HABIB TANVEER: The living legend of Indian Theater.

Renowned Hindi playwright, theatre director, poet and actor Mr.Habib Tanveer who was awarded by Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 1969, Padma Shri in 1983, Sangeet Natak Akademi Fellowship in 1996, and the Padma Bhushan in 2002; apart from that he has also been nominated as a member of Rajya sabha of Indian Parliament (1972-1978). but after all such achivements he is now Leaving a anonymous life from the cultural world of Madhya Pradesh state Since last 4 years. It’s simply rediculas that a person with all such prominent awards, not even been invited in a single cultural program of Madhya the complete tenure of present BJP led government.
According to cultural and political experts Habib is facing all this because of some monetary aids and a piece of land that’s given to his Naya Theater group by than Mr.Digvijay Singh led congress government.
Actual problem arises when Uma Bharti who was the than contestant of chief minister post by BJP blame that Habib Tanvir with the help of Congress government are spreading communalism through some of his stage productions like ‘Ponga Pundit’ and ‘Jin Lahore Nai Dekhya’. Although it was only a election and public attention stunt of some saffron groups.
According to BJP spoke person in the play ‘Ponga Pandit’ Habib try to spoil the image of Hinduism. So here I want to tell some thing about play ‘Ponga Pandit’ that was originally titled Jamadarin, was first composed in the 1930s by two Chhattisgarhi folk artist, Sitaram & Sukhram. Since last four or five generations of folk artist from Chhattisgarh have been performing the play for the last seventy years. The play that was created and traditionally performed by Hindu artists has been seen and enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of Hindus all over India. Some of these actors also joined Habib Tanveer's ‘Naya Theatre’ because the Naya Theatre inherited the play.
Naya Theater troupe has been staging the play since the 1960s for different audiences all over the country. All those years no one found it objectionable or called it anti-Hinduism. But after the communal problem of 1992, some saffron brigades who have spread some kinds of wrong information about it have systematically targeted this play. As such the play simply attacks hypocrisy, untouchablity and priest craft, so it can hurt only those who believe in these practices. The play was simply a satirical take on religious hypocrisy. And I m sure that even a blind person can simply judge that this play doesn’t have a single scene that hurt the sentiments of Hinduism. In the year 2003 as a result Habib Tanvir and his Naya Theatre actors attacked in several cities of Madhya Pradesh by activists of some saffron brigade.
After the election when BJP formed the government in Madhya Pradesh such attack has been stopped because the purpose has been solved.

Habib Tanveer is the writer of famous plays like, Agra Bazar (1954) and Charandas Chor (1975), His play 'Charandas Chor' got him the Fringe Firsts Award at Edinburgh International Drama Festival in 1982.
In the year 1959 he founded a theatre company in Bhopal named ‘Naya Theatre’
Tanveer's original troupe has changed many artists since 1958 but Govindram, 71, and Devilal, 65, are the only two of the 10 regular performers who have stayed with Naya Theatre. The group now meets at Tanveer's house after being evicted in 2003 from their state-allotted house, given to them by the previous Congress government. The current BJP regime, however, declared it 'government property' and ordered them out.

Habib Tanveer started his career in the theatre in his student days as a member of the Mumbai based ‘Indian People's Theatre Association’, after some time he moved to Delhi and forever changed its theatrical landscape with his famous production Agra Bazar (1954). He created Agra Bazar with the students of Jamia Islamia and
Local residents of the Okhla Area in Delhi, it was a experiment that never seen before in Indian theatre.
In 1955 Tanvir went to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in Great Britain there he work for three years, he travelled through Europe, watching different theatre activities.
In 1958 he returned India and spent full time for theater, he was a close friend of marathi theater maestro late Mr. Vijay Tendulkar they work together for many years, Vijay ji treat him as a real brother.
Habib produced, 'Mitti ki Gaadi' based on Shudraka's Sanskrit work, Mrichakatika, it became his first important production in Chhattisgarhi.
Habib also worn in many great films like Richard Attenborough famous film ‘Gandhi’ in which he played the role of Indian Barister. In 2008 he played a led role in Shubhash Ghai’s Blach & White.
In 2006, he wrote and directed ‘Raj Rakt’, based on two of Rabindranath Tagore’s works, novel Rajarshi, and play Visarjan.
His upcomming movie is based on Bhopal Gas treagdy.
Habib Tanveer is a living lagend of Indian Theaters, and at last I write 2 lines for him.

“Udalo dhool tum jitni uda sako mujhpe,
Mai Chaand hu falak pe chamakta jaunga”

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Security for everyone

On Tuesday the 15 of July when I read the news about the violence and attack on the principle of Madhao College Ujjain, the same college that had been witnessed of one more shameful incidence, the murder of professor Sabarwal followed the attack by some ABVP activists who are not yet punished.
That time an idea came to my mind that government should provide proper police protection to all college staff specially principles because our college campus are no more safe, these days students has all kind of sprits except student sprit, in place of Books, pen etc they are having pistol, knife and other weapons.
But when I got my 16th July , I really get shocked by the news of four policemen hurt by medical student attack in Hamidia Hospital premises after that news I reached to a conclusion that policemen has no longer the awe and fear as they had before, just 2 months back a looter also attacked two policemen when they tried to catch him so what I think that the police staff also need proper security and protection because they r also human being… aren’t they ?
After all security and protection is a fundamental right for everyone. ;-)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

इंसानियत.....आज की

बगेर नोक झोक के घर से काम के लिए निकलना अपने आप में एक बड़ा काम हे , जिस के साथ ऐसा हो वो समझता हे के आज उसने बहुत बड़ा तीर मार लिया। ऐसा ही कुछ उस दिन मेरे साथ हुआ , और शायद इसी वजह से एक लड़के पे मेहरबान होके उसे अपनी स्कूटर पे लिफ्ट दे बेठा ।लिफ्ट मांग के लूट और जेब कटी की वारदाते बड़ गई हे इस बात का ख्याल मुझे थोडी देर बाद आया, अब अगर उस लड़के को उतरने का कहता हु तो यह शिष्टाचार के खिलाफ होगा सो पूछ ही बेठा ' कहा तक जाना हे ' ।'बस अगले चोराहे पे उतर जाऊंगा भइया ' धीमी सी आवाज़ में उस लड़के ने जवाब दिया, बस फ़िर तो मुझे बड़ी बेसब्री से अगले चोराहे का इंतज़ार होने लगा के कब वो चोराहा आए और इस मुसीबत से मेरा पीछा छुटे । साइड गिलास में मेरे चेहरे पे चिंता और परेशानी के भाव साफ़ दिखाई पड़ रहे थे , और चोराहा था के आने का नाम नही ले रहा था , मन में आया के पिछली जेब में रखा अपना पर्स चेक कर लू, लेकिन फ़िर वही के लड़का क्या सोचेगा ,आखिर भगवन को मेरी परेशानी पे तरस आ ही गया ओर चोराहा आ गया , मेने झट से स्कूटर रोकी , लड़के ने स्कूटर से उतर के बड़ी विनर्मता के साथ हाथ जोड़ कर मुझे धन्यवाद कहा और तेज़ कदमो के साथ वहा से चल दिया, उसके जाते ही मेने झट से अपना पिछली जेब में रखा पर्स चेक किया, जेब पे हाथ लगते ही मेरे होश उड़ गए मेरा पर्स गायब था ,फिर क्या था बगेर किसी देरी के मेने चिल्लाना शरू कर दिया 'पकडो उस लड़के को पकडो मेरी जेब काट के भागा हे 'फ़िर क्या था हमारी आम जनता के लिए तो इतना डायलाग ही काफी होता हे , कुछ राहगीरों ने दोड़ लगाके उस लड़के को दबोच लिया , इससे पहले के वो कुछ समझ पाता , जनता ने उसपे हाथ साफ़ करना शुरू कर दिया , मेने भी २-३ हाथ जड़ दिए के तभी अचानक मेरे मोबाइल की घंटी बज उठी रिसीव किया तो दूसरी तरफ़ से मेरी माता श्री की आवाज़ आई ' आज कल ध्यान कहा रहता है अपना पर्स यही छोड़ गए '
मेरि समझ मे नहि आया के येह सब क्या हुआ
थोडी देर तक मे सोचता रहा ओर जब तक समझता जनता अपना काम कर चुकी थी , सडक किनारे बेहौशी की हालत मे वो लड्का पडा हूआ था , उसके मुह से खून बेह रहा था , कपडे फट गये थे , उसके टिफिन का सारा भोजन साडक पे बिखर गया था, यह देख के मुझे बोहत बुरा लगा , मुझे मेरी गलती पे पशतावा होने लगा ,मेने उसकी मदद करने का सौचा पर जेसे ही थोडा आगे कदम बडाया के फिर से मेरे मोबाईल कि घनटी बजी, काल सुना तो मेरे बास कि कड्कडाती हुई आवाज मेरे कान मे गई " क्या बात हे तुम ज़यादा काम वाले दिन हि कयु लेट होते हो, इस नौकरी से कया दिल भर गया हे क्या…? " येह सुनते ही मेरा सारा पश्चाताप छूमंतर हो गाया, मे वापस
तेज़ कदमो से अपनी स्कूटर की तरफ बडा, लेकिन फिर सोचा आखिर इस दुनिया मे इंसानियत भी कोइ चीज़ हे मे , मे वापस उस लड्के के पास गया , तब तक उसे होश आ चुका था उसकी आंखो मे आंसु थे , मेने हमदर्दी से उसके कन्धे पे हाथ रखा ओर धीमि सी आवाज मे कहा " सारी यार माफ कर देना" इससे पेहले के वो कुछ समझ पाता मेने स्कूटर स्टार्ट की ओर आगे बड गया.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

BANDH in the name of GOD

BANDH In the name of GOD

Thursday the 3rd of July our nation faced one more ‘BANDH’, which was a combine call of BJP and VHP, to protest the revocation of land transfer order to Amarnath shrine board by Jammu & Kashmir government, which turned into violent and clashes in many parts of country including our state. City like Bhopal Indore witnessed a communal flare-up.
Violent and clashes started when ‘Bandh’ supporters specially activist of Hindu organizations like Bajrang Dal, Vishv Hindu parishad, forcibly tried to close down shops and other business establishment in support of ‘Bandh’. The worst incidence of this complete episode was occurred in Satna City where Bajrang Dal activists in main Satna market reached a small jewelers shop of one Heeralal Soni (28) and asked him to close the shop. When he refused, they barged into the shop, looted some jewelry and beat him up
Bandh supporters humiliated and beaten him a lot in front of others because he keep the shutter of his home cum shop half close. He couldn’t tolerate the humiliation and in result he poured kerosene himself and set ablaze later he succumbed to his injuries. Hiralal was the bread earner of his family, now the question is any of those political outfits that supported Bandh are ready to take the responsibility of Hiralal’s family?
As for as my opinion is concern as a Muslim I m also in against the revocation of land transfer order to Amarnath shrine board, due to population increasing and availability of facilities and resources numbers of pilgrims increases year by year, like in Muslim community HAJ pilgrims increases every year, so for the benefit and comfort of Amarnath pilgrims its necessary to construct and develop rest house and other facilities there so the pilgrim can get more and more advantage, Amarnath shrine is not only a place of Hindus pilgrims, it’s a center of Hindu Muslim unity because in the year 1850 A.D, a Muslim shepherd from Batakot, named Buta Malik first discovered the Amarnath cave, since than representative of the Malik family always be present at the holy shrine alongwith the Mahant and Pundits (Hindu priest) during the period of the pilgrimage each year, and as a reward one third of all the yearly offerings of Amarnath shrine to be given to the Malik family.
Beside this we should strongly appose the way of protest “Bandh’ in which a common and daily earning man get hurt, because in the name of God we shouldn’t hurt his other people.

Sharjeel Khan

Sam Bahadur ' the real Hero of India'

Last Friday with one of my office friends I was reading the sad news of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw's death in the paper. I got a real shock when my friend asked me -'who was Manekshaw'? I didn't expect such kind of a question from a person having MBA degree although that was not only his fault. In our country there are many who even don't know about Mahatma Gandhi. I'm not saying that I'm a highly knowledgeable person but I have different kind of attachment with Sam Manekshaw since the time when first I read his biography when I was an NCC cadet in my college.
Since that particular day he is one of my favorite personalities.
I told my friend about Sam Hormusji Framji Jamshedji Manekshaw, born on April 3, 1914 in a Parsi (Zoroastrian) family who migrated to Amritsar Punjab from the small town of Valsad in Gujarat. After completing his schooling from Amritsar and Nainital Manekshaw was one of the 40 cadets of the first batch that passed out from the Indian Military Academy in Dehradun in Dec 1934 and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Indian Army. He held several regimental assignments and was first attached to the Royal Scots and later to the frontier force regiment in world war II, he led counter-operation against the invading Japanees Army in Burma. During the course of operation he was hit by an LMG bullet and was severely wounded in his stomach. He had being honoured for his bravery 'Military Cross' right on the battlefront during the Second World War.
His moustache was his trademark and he got the title of "Sam Bahadur" from the soldiers of the 8th Gorkha Rifles of which he was Colonel of the Regiment, and had close association with the soldier of Gorkha Regiment.
On 7th June 1969 After Gen PP Kumaramangalam he was the 8th chief of Indian Army.
Besides being a punctual and strict army person he was also a very responsible family man. On 22nd April 1939 he married to Silloo Bode who was his first sight love, Silloo gave birth to her first daughter Sherry on 11 January 1940, while the second girl whom they called Maya was born on 24 September 1945.
Sherry joined the "Travel Trade" beginning with Air India and working with Mercury Travels for a long time, in fact she retired from there! She married Dinky Batliwala who was working with "Swiss Air". The Batliwalas now live in Chennai
Maya the younger one became a stewardess with the then "British Overseas Airways Corporation" (BOAC) now called British Airways. It was while flying for them that she met her husband Dhun Daruwala who was an Engineer with "Air India." She is currently heading an NGO for Human Rights in Delhi.
He was not a man of 'yes Boss' attitude, he never hesitated to say truth and because of this attitude in 1961 the then defence minister Krishna Menon had put him aside for some period after Manekshaw's refusal of his order. Just after some time everyone realized that Manekshaw was on right side.
He was very quick witted once Just before the Bangladesh operations in December 1971, the then prime minister Ms. Indira Gandhi asked Manekshaw, who was the chief of Army then, "General are you ready" (for the war). His reply surprised everyone who was there, "I am always ready sweetie."
Once on an occasion, when Indira Gandhi asked the General whether he was planning to take over the country. Simply Pointing to his long nose, he replied: "I don't use it to poke into other's affairs." Because of his straightforward attitude Indira Gandhi's trust and respects increased in him a lot.
After the 1971 Indo-Pak war he became the Hero of India When Indira Gandhi asked him to go to Dhaka and accept the surrender of Pakistani forces, Manekshaw simply declined, and said that honour should go to his army commander in the East (Lt Gen Jagjit Singh Aurora). Manekshaw said he would only go if it were to accept the surrender of the entire Pakistani army.
General Yahya Khan, the then president of Pakistan was one of a close friends of Sam Manekshaw. On 13 August 1947 he took Manekshaw's Motorcycle and promised to give Rs 1000 but just after 2 days India faced partition, on the day when Bangladesh or east Pakistan came into existence, Sam said 'Yahya give me the whole east Pakistan against my Rs 1000.
For his distinguished service to the country in 1968 he got Padma Bhushan award, in 1972 at the hands of the then President VV Giri. Manekshaw became the first of the only two Indian Army Generals to be awarded this prestigious honorary rank; the other being the late Gen KM Cariappa. On Jan 15 1973 Manekshaw retired after completing nearly four decades of military service (although the field marshals of the Indian Army never retire because the rank is conferred for life).
At the age of 94, on June 27,2008 he died of complications from pneumonia at the Military Hospital in Wellington, Tamil Nadu. He was suffering from Pulmonary fibroisis a kind of respiratory complication, on Wednesday he had slipped into coma, his last word was 'I am okay' He was buried adjacent to his wife's grave with full military honors
On behalf of our nation I m saluting Sam Bahadur ' the real Hero of India'

Friday, June 27, 2008

Condition of Goverment Hospitals

Last fortnight I had been to the Hamidia hospital to visit one of my relatives. I was really shocked when I saw the condition of the general ward. It is not only with the Hamidia hospital.
Most of the wards of the Government hospitals are in the same condition. What I personally think that if any of the top authorities from health department spend a single day there, I am sure the very next day they could be admitted to the ICU. After spending horrible 15 minutes there when I was about to return, in parking lot a rural woman, along with her child, came to me; her condition was very pitiable, I thought she might be a beggar so I gave her one rupee, but she refused and started weeping.
She showed me a piece of paper in which medicines were written.
She said "Saab Bheek nahi chahiye bas yeh dawai dilwado" the medicine was of some gastro problem. I asked why doesn't she tell to the concerned doctor that hospital staff are not providing these medicines; Her reply was that the doctor had told her to bring these medicines. Later she told me that they came from a village near Berasia.
Her husband Tulsi Ram is a farm labour and suffers from some intestine problem. First they Had approached the Berasia Govt. Hospital from where after one week the doctor referred him to the Hamidia Hospital. Tulsi Ram is the only bread winner of his family comprising of wife and 3 children. They are in Bhopal for the last 10 days. The money which they brought from home has been spent. I felt sorry for them and purchased medicines for them. Then I told them about a donor who gave them some money after which I left them.
The whole day I was in a deep thought. Most of the people who come to Hamidia Hospital for treatment belong to poor class. Some patients who come from outside, their attendants are seen asking alms near Hamidia Hospital as they don't have sufficient money to stay with their patients. And when Hospital Staff ask them for medicines, they have no option than to collect money through alms. Although every year a huge fund is being allotted for medical facility and in every budget government lays special emphasis on health programmes but God knows where all these funds go.
Just after 7 days of this incident I get a shock when I read the news that on Friday the Income Tax department raided the premises of more than a dozen high profile personnel including Abhay Vishnoi, brother of the Health minister Ajay Vishnoi, Home secretary Rajesh Rajora, Health director Dr. Ashok Sharma and some well known businessmen from the State including owner of well known Raj Group Arun Sehlot, whose remarkable progress and development in a very less time are still a mystery for many people including me.
Last year also there was an Income Tax raid in the premises of director of health Dr Yogiraj Sharma. Some years back there was a scam related to purchase of some medical equipment in which well-known heart specialist Dr Manoria was involved.
Current Income Tax raids are the result of those complaints which are registered in Economic offence wings against the corruption of health department from last few years.
Whatever Income Tax department got is just a drop from the ocean. Our state never saw such a biggest Income Tax operation before. It was the first time when an IAS officer's premises was raided by the Income Tax department.
The money which Income Tax department found from these people are that their hard earned money, if not than from where they got this much of amount.
It is high time to put all those people who gallop the rights of poor people behind the bars because of these social weeds many innocent under privileged people are losing their lives.